New Opportunities for Integrated Structural Biology at 4th generation synchrotron sources.

Dr Andrew THOMPSON, Synchrotron SOLEIL

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Le 01/03/2022, de 16:00 à 17:15 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)

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Andrew  Thompson started his career at the srs daresbury laboratory, working with John Helliwell, Colin Nave and Miroslav Papiz on the protein crystallography beamlines.
He then moved to EMBL  grenoble oustation, as part of a new collaboration between the ESRF and EMBL where he built and operated beamlines BM14 and ID29 for anomalous phasing measurements in x-ray diffraction.
After joining synchrotron SOLEIL in 2002, Andrew THOMPSON, constructed and operated the proxima1 facility, moving into a mangerial post in 2014. He is currently working on the proxima1 beamline whilst preparing SOLEIL for the arrival of its first 300 kV cryo-electron microscope which is expected in early 2023.

Document for the presentation (pdf file)

Video of the presentation