Cryo-Electron Microscopy of the Cell

Dr Amélie Leforestier, Orsay

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Le 10/11/2021, de 16:00 à 17:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)

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Cellular cryo electron microscopy faces several complex issues compared to single particles cryo-EM. I will present its specificities at all stages of the cryo-EM experimental workfow, from specimen preparation (vitrification, and thining of bulk specimens) and data acquisition to the analysis of heterogeneous and crowded media. It will be illustrated by an example from our work on nucleosomes and chromatin in interphase nuclei.

Amélie Leforestier (DR2 CNRS) is a biophysicist and cryo electron microscopist head of the team Structure and dynamics of self-assembled biological objects at the Solid state Physics Laboratory (LPS, Université Paris-Saclay). She studied biophysics at UPMC (Paris) and obtained a PhD for her work on liquid crystalline phases of DNA. Supported by an EMBO fellowship, she joined Jacques Dubochet's lab in Lausanne, where she discovered cryo electron microscopy in the 90's. Back in France, she joined the CNRS at LPS, where she set up a cryo-EM lab dedicated to soft matter physics and physics of biological systems. Her research interests focus on the architecture of DNA and chromatin assemblies in vitro and in situ.

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